Our cool morning view in #SubangJaya where these little guests are busy are very busy foraging on the flowers.

Bismilh, mulakan hari hari-hari anda dengan sesudu madu kerana banyak manfaat nya. Rasanya masam-masam manis. Semoga baik untuk kesihatan, Insylh... #ilovehoney

Species #heterotrigonaitama adalah antara yang terbaik! #best #super

It is a mutual relationship where there is a comfortable shelter from the elements for them and these stingless bees provide us with fresh honey, right in our garden. Sudah pasti #original dan tak lah rasa was-was  dijamin. 

We always welcome all our guests to #homestay4u subangjaya (including these little ones!)

#bermadu #sayasokong #sihat #maduuntukkesehatan #maduuntuksuami #madulebah #bees #honey #bee #keluluthoney #honeybees #original #raw #limitededition #trusted #authorized #tiadabahankimia #siapacepatdiadapat #homestaymalaysia #madu #kelulut #flowerlover #stinglessbees #flowerlover #sunlight #littleflower #smellsgood #myphotos #lifeisgood #goodlife #slowlife #homestay #madukelulut
#vscocam #vsco #bee #flowers #ourfoodourfuture #superfood #madukelulutasli


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