Welcome Singapore

Thank you to our guests Mera and family for the review and staying with us.
We are humbled and very glad indeed that our little contribution been noticed and appreciated.

We're also deeply astonished by their close relationship & bond displayed amongst themselves and we wish them, all the best in the future for all!

We trust they have enjoyed the stay at #homestay4u.

#welcominghost  #rumahcantik #bestmemories #homestaymalaysia #travelmalaysia #homestaymalaysiamurah #homestaymalaysia #shahalamhomestay #homestayshahalam #kualalumpurhotel #kualalumpurhomestay #homestaykualalumpur #klhomestay #homestaykl #homestaycantik #homestayselesa #instahomestay #airbnbkl #airbnbkualalumpur #jomjalanjalan #jombercuti #sunwaylagoon #sunwayhomestay #boutiquehomestay #notesofairbnb #terlajakhomely #onecityusj #onecitysubanghomestay


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